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Submission + - 64 Years of Radio Shack Catalogues (radioshackcatalogs.com)

sandbagger writes: Remember when you could go to your local mall and get electronics components? You used to be able to at Radio Shack. Some kind souls have been digitizing decades of catalogues to commemorate a now-vanished era.

Comment This is a one-way use case (Score 1) 130

"Our developers shipped 79% of the auto-generated code reviews without any additional changes," Jassy explained. "This is a great example of how large-scale enterprises can gain significant efficiencies in foundational software hygiene work by leveraging Amazon Q."

Running an automatic tool on a stack that is self-contained is, of course, going to be easier.

This boast of Amazon's is like saying an economy car is as good as Rolls Royce when sitting at a stop light.

Great. However, Amazon customers customize their work to be compliant with Amazon. Every enterprise-grade software I've worked on has had complex deployments where we need to customize the software to fit with the customer's existing data; and modify our processes to match their workflows to say nothing about bridging to new systems, data types and workflows.

Submission + - What happens if you connect Windows XP to the Internet in 2024? (youtube.com)

sandbagger writes: Have you ever wondered if it's true you can instantly get malware? In this video, a person connects an XP instance directly to the internet with no firewall to see just how fast it gets compromised by malware, rootkits, malicious services and new user accounts. The answer — fast!

Submission + - Adobe Exec: Early Termination Fees Are 'Like Heroin' (theverge.com)

sandbagger writes: Early termination fees are “a bit like heroin for Adobe,” according to an Adobe executive quoted in the FTC’s newly unredacted complaint against the company for allegedly hiding fees and making it too hard to cancel Creative Cloud. “There is absolutely no way to kill off ETF or talk about it more obviously” in the order flow without “taking a big business hit,” this executive said.

Submission + - Ford first designed an electric car for consumers in ... 1967! (designyoutrust.com)

sandbagger writes: The Ford Comuta, an experimental electric vehicle designed in 1967 at the Ford Dunton Technical Centre, was primarily targeted at the British market. Despite Ford President Arjay Miller’s prediction that cars like the Comuta could be available within five to ten years, the next electric Ford, the 1998 Ranger EV, arrived much later. Only two Comutas were made, with one now housed at the Science Museum in London.

Submission + - ReBoot master tapes located (globalnews.ca)

sandbagger writes: Predating even Toy Story, ReBoot was the first 3D animated television show. The master tapes have been located in storage but the hardware needed to play the 1990s-era media has yet to be located.

Submission + - Canada's broadcaster ends its 1 PM time sync beep (www.cbc.ca)

sandbagger writes: The end of the long dash: CBC stops broadcasting the official 1 p.m. time signal. Now that everyone is carrying around GPS synchronized smart phones or smart watches needing to sync via a radio tone is outdated but a smart and simple way to get everyone across the six time-zone country to synchronize their mechanical clocks and watches.

Comment Where do I put all my hard drives? (Score 1) 140

The silicon seems capable -- though the big grill on the back tells me heat will be a factor -- but we're back to the Tube and no place for all the local storage volumes. I was hoping for a mini-tower like the Quadra 700.

I need a data truck. The silicon's powerful but I'm not a fan of cluttering a workspace with many bricks on strings.

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