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Comment Re:Just do it the old school way (Score 1) 122

Use a pot with water and control the temperature within a degree or two. If you want, get a bluetooth thermometer that allows you to set alarms or simply get a good fast reading thermometer and check periodically. After a while you kinda know when to adjust and how much; with some money saved you can spend on a good cut of meat.

Good luck checking it ovenight.

Comment Re:Kamala (Score 1) 333

If Kamala can have a good debate performance against Trump, then her chances are good. Given that she is a lot less likely to lie than Trump, she has potential to win a debate. If she can get in a "back and forth" open ended argument, then she will beat him because that is a skill she has.

Do you really think the Trump team will be stupid enough to let Trump debate Harris?

Comment Re:The real reason (Score 1) 143

The first thing you describe is absolutely standard, no?

My cars have always had a CarPlay implementation that continually shows a Home button to take you to the car's native UI and a CarPlay button to take you to CarPlay. On my EQA, those are on screen buttons. On my previous cars (all Renault Zoes), these were a physical Home button and an onscreen CarPlay button.

It's pretty trivial to toggle!

(Plus Hey Mercedes voice commands can be invoked from within CarPlay)

On my Fords' Sync3 systems with CarPlay enable, I can't access most of the of the native Sync apps (wanna find out gas prices via Sirius TravelLink? Tough luck, buddy) without unplugging the phone. Unfortunately, GasBuddy doesn't have a CarPlay app, and Waze's CarPlay app doesn't have gas prices unlike the native iOS app. I totally get what Rivian is saying.

Comment Re:Manual vs Auto or Manual vs EV? (Score 1) 370

TFS says there's something authentic about being connected to the car without automation. But really two things:
a) You're not connected to your car without automation. Even manual cars have all manner of traction control and other systems that automate the experience between your foot and the wheels.
b) And Automatic transmission decouples you from the wheels. An EV does not. Just because there's no transmission doesn't make driving an EV any less authentic.

EVs don't have the downsides of automatics. There's no benefit to manuals over EV. All the talk vs automatics where you have better control of the power going to your wheels doesn't apply to EVs.

I've been driving manual all my life. I hate automatic transmissions. They seem to do nothing but stupid things, picking wrong gears, not switching and providing performance when I need it, or doing so when I don't. I now drive an EV and it's undeniably better than both screwing around with manual and dealing with shitty automatics.

Sidenote: Why am I not surprised that Toyota, a company that infamously is an EV non-believer is releasing something stupid that serves no purpose.

Couple of things. You can turn off traction control, but you can't turn off an automatic transmission (leaving out in between tech like Ford's SelectShift). Also, no manual transmission driver can shift faster than a dual clutch automatic transmission. That being said, I wouldn't trade my Mustang six speed manual for an auto.

Comment Not only that.... (Score 1) 68

...they took away Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision (for those shows that had that tech) unless you pony up that money, too.

Personally, I think every Prime member should order something little every day so their transportation network blows up.

Submission + - Leaked Emails Show Hugo Awards Self-Censoring to Appease China ( 1

samleecole writes: A trove of leaked emails shows how administrators of one of the most prestigious awards in science fiction censored themselves because the awards ceremony was being held in China.

The emails, which show the process of compiling spreadsheets of the top 10 works in each category and checking them for “sensitive political nature” to see if they were “an issue in China,” were obtained by fan writer Chris M. Barkley and author Jason Sanford, and published on fandom news site File 770 and Sanford’s Patreon, where they uploaded the full PDF of the emails. They were provided to them by Hugo Awards administrator Diane Lacey. Lacey confirmed in an email to 404 Media that she was the source of the emails.

“In addition to the regular technical review, as we are happening in China and the *laws* we operate under are different...we need to highlight anything of a sensitive political nature in the work,” Dave McCarty, head of the 2023 awards jury, directed administrators in an email. “It's not necessary to read everything, but if the work focuses on China, taiwan, tibet, or other topics that may be an issue *in* China...that needs to be highlighted so that we can determine if it is safe to put it on the ballot of if the law will require us to make an administrative decision about it.”

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