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Comment Re:95-year copyright (Score 1) 237

Trademark will still protect the characters Mickey and Minnie, and the names Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, and prevent them from being used as part of any other company's advertising or corporate identity.

What will be in public domain are the particular graphic expressions, i.e. drawings, of Mickey and Minnie used in the cartoons and illustrations on which copyright has expired, as well as those cartoons entire. These particular graphic representations, and their particular voices, will be able to be sampled and repurposed.

No company will be able to take an illustration of Mickey that is still under copyright and use it as its own logo. No company will be able to call its product Mickey Mouse Condoms or Minnie Mouse IUDs or whatever, as that would still infringe on Disney's trademarks. But you can expect to find Steamboat Willie turning up in all kinds of places.

Comment As Ike said... (Score 2) 65

Isaac Asimov, who besides Science Fiction wrote on topics from the Bible to Shakespeare, famously said that he could read three bad books on a subject and then write one good book on it.


ExRex writes: A team of student designers and engineers from the RCA and Imperial College have designed an open-source alternative to GPS, called Aweigh, that does not rely on satellites. Instead, the device calculates a user's position using the sun – a feature inspired by the polarized vision of insects.
They said that Aweigh can even work on a cloudy day when the sun is not in view, and unlike devices that use satellites, such as smartphones, Aweigh functions offline so a user's positional data cannot be leaked through the internet.
Describing the system as "a set of tools and blueprints", the team wanted users to be able to hack or fix the tools they use, so making the project open-source was important.
The device's custom circuit-board that reads light values to find the sun is powered by Raspberry Pi. The circuit board can be modified to customize interactions and the team imagine the device could work with older navigation tools like maps, and satellite navigation tools, by replacing the GPS chip.

Comment The hajj brings big bucks into Mecca (Score 1) 70

The hajj is the granddaddy of pilgimages. It wasn't the first, but it was the first of its size and continues to be teh world's largest annual pilgrimage. Would fear of contracting a deadly disease keep pilgrims, and pilgrim riyals, out of the country? Maybe, maybe not, but clearly the Saudi government doesn't want to take that chance.

Comment Re:Esoteric material? (Score 1) 329

The primary definition of esoteric is things that are known only to a small circle, i.e., things that most people don't know about.
That's what the Internet is for, learning about things you don't already know.
Except, I suppose, for those people who only use it to look at pictures of kittens.

Comment Keep in mind... (Score 4, Insightful) 159

...that when most people ask, "How does it work," what they really mean is, "How do I work it?" i.e., they really only want to know which buttons to push to get their desired result. It's like the Automat: you put a nickel in the slot, turn the knob and pull out the sandwich. How the sandwich got there in the first place is of no interest.
Computers are magical objects to most people, inscrutable machines which perform mystical tasks if the propler incantations are performed. And most people seem to like it that way.

Submission + - World's First 3D Printed Building Planned (3ders.org)

ExRex writes: Dutch architecture studio Universe Architecture is planning to construct a house with a 3D printer for the first time.
The Landscape House will be printed in sections using the giant D-Shape printer, which can produce sections of up to 6 x 9 metres using a mixture of sand and a binding agent.
Architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars of Universe Architecture will collaborate with Italian inventor Enrico Dini, who developed the D-Shape printer, to build the house, which has a looping form based on a Möbius strip.
3D printing website as saying: "It will be the first 3D printed building in the world. I hope it can be opened to the public when it's finished.”
The team are working with mathematician and artist Rinus Roelofs to develop the house, which they estimate will take around 18 months to complete.
The D-Shape printer will create hollow volumes that will be filled with fibre-reinforced concrete to give it strength. The volumes will then be joined together to create the house.

Comment Never had LEGO (Score 3, Interesting) 425

My construction toy was an Erector Set, now long gone. These days Erector Sets in the US are rebranded Meccano sets.
Anyway, the thing about the Erector Set was that it not only exercised your imagination, as does LEGO, but it also exercised your manual dexterity, which LEGO does not. When you have to use little nuts and bolts to put things together you get good at manipulating small parts, which is excellent for improving hand-eye coordination, improving delicacy of touch and learning patience.
If you make things too easy for kids how are they to learn?

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