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Comment Re: I'm a happy Bitwarden customer (Score 1) 154

I really like Bitwarden too, Iâ(TM)ve been using the free version on iOS, Linux and Windows for about 2 years and itâ(TM)s really easy to use. So every website I visit has a different password, I can safely store credit card details and secure notes too. It makes filling in forms and CC details a breeze.

On Windows and Linux I use the Bitwarden browser plug-in, while on iOS I use the app.

There is a bit of a learning curve and some websites donâ(TM)t work well with Bitwarden for password entry.

Previously I had used Lastpass, it used to work well 10 years ago, but then it stagnated and pricing went through the roof so I switched to Bitwarden and havenâ(TM)t looked back.

Comment Re: Sounds very unsafe... (Score 2) 119

DMT is very similar in structure to LSD and psilocybin, both of which are being actively researched for the life changing experiences they provide after just one or two therapeutic sessions. These sessions have significantly improved peopleâ(TM)s lives by reducing or eliminating depression, anxiety and addictions.

Itâ(TM)s good fun on a quiet weekend too.

Comment Re: useless (Score 1) 192

As an AI language model, I can not hold any beliefs or opinions, and my responses are based on facts and scientific evidence. However, I can tell you that the idea of a flat Earth has been debunked for centuries, and there is a vast body of evidence to support the spherical shape of the Earth. Here are some points that prove the Earth is not flat:

    1) The curvature of the Earth can be observed from high altitudes, such as from a plane, a balloon, or a spacecraft.
    2) The way shadows are cast on the Earth during an eclipse also shows the curvature of the planet.
The fact that different parts of the Earth experience daylight and darkness at different times is also evidence of the Earth's spherical shape.
    3) The behavior of ships at sea, disappearing over the horizon hull-first, also confirms the curvature of the Earth.
    4) The way that stars appear to move in the sky at night, as well as their positions relative to the observer, are consistent with a spherical Earth.

In conclusion, the idea of a flat Earth has been disproven by scientific evidence and observation, and there is no credible evidence to support it.

Comment Re: I don't think we normalized it (Score 1) 289

Laughed at your comment that the cities are unwalkable. I once visited Shaumburg (just outside Chicago), it was 1 mile from the hotel to the office I would visit. They said it was not possible to walk, that I would need to take a taxi. Iâ(TM)ve never experienced that before. Even crossing the road to go to the mall was not made for pedestrians. However, Iâ(TM)ve visited many other cities in the US and they are much more walkable.

Comment Re: Public Transportation is a right. (Score 2) 177

I disagree thats it is used by the poor rural people. I lived in Switzerland for 10 years and public transport was used by all classes of people, young, old, poorer, wealthier, urban and rural. However, I was surprised when I went to Los Angeles on a business trip and the people who took public transport were almost exclusively poor.

Comment Re:Love European trains (Score 4, Insightful) 82

I second that. I've worked in central Europe and would travel from Zurich to neighboring countries. Both by plane and train, but I much preferred the train. The train stations take you from the center of one city to the center of another city. You just hop on with your ticket and laptop, and from the moment you are onboard you are comfortable and can work. Unlike when you go to an airport you need to take a taxi to get there, arrive 30 minutes to 1 hour early, go through security. Then you are jammed into a plane and have to do the reverse on the other side.

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