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Comment Such drama (Score 1, Insightful) 65

As I read the story, AT&T has a perpetual license and the ability to pay for extended support for the current software they are running, but VMware/Broadcom doesn't want to honor the agreement as written/agreed to.

OK, here's a thought - run the software without VMware support, and use the funds you would have spent on support to transition to a new virtualization platform?

It sounds like AT&T is using older, more mature software, shouldn't the vast, vast majority of vulnerabilities have been addressed by now?

I would advise AT&T cut the check for the contracted services and send it to VMware/Broadcom, then let VMware/Broadcom decide if they want to cash the check or lose the customer.

Comment Re: Walkable Neighborhoods. (Score 1) 422

One person got a bill for something around $8K because they lived on a corner and in addition to the sidewalk cost, had to pay for the curb cut, the part so elderly and those with disabilities can get onto the sidewalk more easily.

That REALLY sounds like an HOA bill, not a bill from the city.

One of my favorite political stories was told on TV decades ago by Ed Rendell, Mayor of Philadelphia. He was talking about sidewalk cut-outs for wheelchairs. The Federal gov't mandated that every sidewalk have a handicap cutout on the corner. Great. They made the cities responsible for implementing the new regulation. Great. The Federal gov't allocated exactly ZERO dollars to accomplish this. Not So Great.

I remember that was the first time I heard a politician make sense...

Comment As always, government is the answer! (Score 1) 422

We just need for the government to finally get serious about EVs and start subsidizing:

- EV Automakers
- Battery Manufacturers
- Consumers that purchase the EVs New
- Consumers that purchase the EVs Used
- Public Chargers

And ensure that EV ownership is affordable by exempting EVs from paying for the roads and highways they rely on, forcing ICE vehicle could-out to shoulder the cost of our infrastructure.

That should fix it, right?

Comment Re: shine baby shine (Score 1) 103

As a reminder, every acre of land covered with solar panels is effectively an acre of deforestation when done in non-desert settings.

An acre of shade deployed in a desert setting, let alone tens or hundreds of acres deployed in a desert setting would be interesting to watch, observe the impact to the environment ;how will all that shade effect the area?).

Comment Re: 'Free' Business Model 101 (Score 1) 43

It's even simpler - offer someone a cheap service for free, keep them as a customer. Telcos in the US like to offer HBO Max or Amazon Prime to retain and attract subscribers, it's cheaper than other offers previously used.

They may or may not scan your data, but that's not the only business case that can be made...

Comment Re: Storage... hey that rings a bell.... (Score 1, Informative) 43

Yes, 10 TB (100x 10 GB) drives are a thing, but:

They cost about $250, this is a free service.
They require a processor, NIC, and internet connectivity to compare with this free service.
This is only available to his paying customers in India for his telecom service, that is a small subset of "everyone" and likely isn't an option for you.

But yeah, hard drives are a thing, so what?

This is your argument: "I can buy a 5,000 sq ft pre-fabricated building for a fraction of the price of a 5,000 sq ft McMansion, this McMansion doesn't excite me"...

Comment Re:right place (Score 1) 247

The goal should be to make cities more walkable, maybe link a charging lot with neighborhoods using public transport options.

Are you serious? First we invest in public transportation in a community, then, as a reward, we invest MORE money into the same community to encourage/support private EV ownership? So we'll deploy EV charging stations in inner-city neighborhoods where we have buses and subway lines, and stiff the high tax-paying suburbs? Have you really thought this through?

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