Submission + - SPAM: Ask Slashdot: How Do You See The World In The 2020s ? 1
dryriver writes: The 2010s were not necessarily the greatest decade to live through. AAA computer games were not only DRMd and Internet tethered to death but became increasingly formulaic and pay-to-win driven, and poor quality console ports pissed off PC gamers. Forced software subscriptions for major software products you could previously buy became a thing. Personal privacy went out the window in ways too numerous to list, with lawmakers failing on many levels to regulate the tech, data mining and internet advertising companies in any meaningful way. Severe security vulnerabilities were found in hundreds of different tech products, from Intel CPUs to baby monitors and Internet connected doorbells. Thousands of tech products shipped with microphones, cameras and internet connectivity integrated that couldn't be switched off with an actual hardware switch. Many electronics products became harder or impossible to repair yourself. Printed manuals coming with tech products became almost non-existent. Hackers, scammers, ransomwarers and identity thieves caused more mayhem than ever before. Trollfarms, Clickfarms and fake news factories damaged the integrity of the Internet as an information source. Tech companies and media companies became afraid of pissing off the Chinese government. Windows turned into a big piece of spyware. Intel couldn't be bothered to innovate until AMD Ryzen came along. Nvidia somehow took a full decade to make really basic realtime raytracing happen, even though smaller GPU maker Imagination with a fraction of the budget had done it years earlier, and in a mobile GPU to boot. Top of the line smartphones became seriously expensive. Censorship and shadow banning on the once more open Internet became a thing. Easily triggered people trying to muzzle other people on social media became a thing. The quality of popular music and music videos went steadily downhill. Star Wars went to shit after Disney bought it, as did the Star Trek films. And mainstream cinema turned into an endless VFX heavy comic book movies, remakes/reboots and horror movies fest. In many ways, Television was the biggest winner of the 2010s, with many new TV shows with film-like production values being made. The second winner may be computer hardware that delivered more storage/memory/performance per Dollar than ever before. To the question: What, dear Slashdotters, will the 2020s bring us? Will things get better in tech and other things relevant to nerds, or will they get worse?