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Comment Re:falls off during sex (Score 0) 50

Apparently Apple does not allow 3D porn in these devices. Looks like a classic rerun of Sony Betamax vs JVC VHS format wars. Sony prohibited porn and JVC was not too strict and that tipped the balance. (Well, I did not check snopes, because I would rather live with this belief than knowing the truth)

Comment New product from Apple comes out (Score 4, Funny) 121

The revolutionary new product from Apple iGrain is the recommended way to dry wet iPhones. It retails at 14.99$ a pound. Use of any other grain to dry wet phones voids the warranty. It has special sensors to detect non Apple approved grains being used to dry the phone.

Comment Dont thwart them, confuse them (Score 2) 164

Where do you hide a tree? In the forest, of course!

How do you hide your data? Create a forest to hide it!

Set up random boring channels like CSPAN. Or channels of polar opposite interest, like Classical music and wresting. And keep streaming them to the tv whenever you go out. With enough randomization, they will never know what you are really watching and what is shown to the empty room

Comment Big companies should give this tech for free (Score 0) 242

So many people use the same password on multiple sites, including the big name site. So when a useless low value site gets compromised and its stupidly maintained username-password dictionary gets leaked, many accounts from big boys like Amazon, Google, Microsoft get compromised.

So password hashing, validation and the entire password process should be for free for anyone who asks. May be they can write it off as a loss and claim some tax benefit.

Comment Vegetarian cuisine ... (Score 1) 60

There are communities in Western and Southern India that have been practicing vegetarianism for centuries. Most famous are the Palghat, mostly Shaivait Hindu Brahmins from the Palghat pass in the Western ghats, on the border between Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Became civil servants during the Raj and large diaspora exists in Bombay, Delhi and all over the USA. Famous for coconut based avial, and other super delicious food.

Then there is Udipi cuisine, mostly Vaishnavait brahmins, well know for their restaurants. Gujarati food is mostly sweet, not very spicy and has lots of dairy. They are mostly Hindu trading castes spread all over the world.

If you want to get away from nascent experiments by largely meat eating cultures trying to develop a meatless alternatives look at those who have been refining it for centuries.

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